Carnivore Pictures is a small production company founded by a close-knit group of siblings and friends. It is composed of writers, directors, actors and lovers of the film and television mediums. With an emphasis on the horror genre, Carnivore Pictures has a passion for creating the next great horror franchise.
Carnivore Pictures has already worked with Adaptive Studios (Project Greenlight), Shudder (Streaming Service) and Clive Barker (Hellraiser) on various horror related content. Our flagship project, Carnivore, which the company was named after, is a horror film script that is currently under a shopping agreement with SC Films International.
Carnivore Pictures has several other projects in the early stages of development and will continue their momentum to produce high quality and original content. We value excellence, and pride ourselves on achieving top-notch results with creative and outside-the-box problem solving.
The Team:
Carnivore Pictures is available for all of your writing, producing and development needs. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us for possible collaboration on your next project. Thank you.